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The Cassini-Huygens Mission

The Cassini-Huygens mission cost $3260million. The US government paid $2600million. The European Space Agency paid $500million. The Italian Space Agency paid $160million.

Use the internet to find answers to these questions:

  • Why did it take so long for Cassini-Huygens to get to Saturn?
  • What happened to the Huygens probe?
  • Is the Cassini spacecraft still in orbit around Saturn?

Download an image from the Huygens probe and an image from Cassini. Choose one of the images and write a caption for it.

REMEMBER: If you quote something then you must use “quote marks” and say where the quote comes from. You must also include a credit line with your caption.

Cassini updates

Next: Information from Space


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Video Credit: NASA
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