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Assessment in past papers

The following question from OCR Biology GCE A allows the student to simply list their points

  1.  .
    1. Describe how genetic screening is carried out. [4]
    2. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of genetic screening in humans. [4]

But this one from AQA Science for Public Understanding GCE AS expects linked reasoning.

  1. Some people think that intelligent life similar to humans would have evolved even if the dinosaurs had not been wiped out. Others think that humans evolved because of a series of lucky accidents like the extinction of the dinosaurs – and might well not have appeared had any one of these events not occurred.
    1. Choose the point of view which you think is more likely to be correct and explain the reasoning behind your choice. (2)
    2. Suggest how an individual scientist’s social or religious interests or commitments might influence which of these hypotheses s/he favours. (2)

There aren’t many examples of the argument approach in A level questions currently online but past papers for Salter’s Nuffield Advance Biology can be purchased from Edexcel and the questions set by AQA for their AS in Science for Public Understanding are available here.

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