| Portal for the American Journal of Bioethics. Hosts opinion polls, pictures, links and articles – with their peer reviews, book sales and correspondence. Messy site but good range of activities.
Big Picture | Bringing cutting-edge science into the classroom. Published twice a year by Wellcome, 'Big Picture' is a free post-16 resource for teachers that explores issues around biology and medicine. |
Genetic Science Learning Center | This website hosts interactive and print-based resources for the University of Utah Genetic Science Learning Center which an outreach education program located in the midst of bioscience research at the University of Utah. Comprises clearly presented information with associated lesson plans and classroom activities. |
BioethicsWeb | This is a searchable catalogue of Internet sites and resources aimed at teachers and researchers in HE - funded by Wellcome. A useful gateway to lots and lots of other safe sites for background reading. |
Citizen science project at Explore | Citizen Science is At-Bristol’s new pioneering three-year programme, designed to engage young people and teachers in discussion about bio-medical science issues that affect society today. Contains quizzes, pictures and lesson ideas. |
The Human Genome | Website from the Wellcome Trust that aims to provide key information about the human genome: the science, its role in health and medicine, and the broader social impact. Clear and easy to use. |
Bioethics Briefings | Briefings from the Bioscience Learning and Teaching Support Network written for university teachers to help them deal with various ethical topics. Subjects covered include Ethics and Bioethics, Genetically Modified Crops, Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis and Xenotransplantation. |
LTSN ETHICS website | Philosophy and religion learning and teaching support network site. Again aimed at academics but has good documentation on teaching ethics and useful case studies. |
Nuffield Council on Bioethics | Detailed reports and discussion papers on the ethical implications of current developments in biology. |
Topical Websites |
BBC Religion & Ethics | Useful questions and topical problems from the BBC. |
Science UPD8 | Science UPD8 translates the latest breakthroughs and science behind the news into inspiring activities – and publishes them lightning fast. Quality and ease of use mean that teachers simply “download and go”. Set up by the Centre for Science Education, Sheffield Hallam University and the Association for Science Education (ASE). |
Environmental issues websites | | Climate, supported by the Nuffield Foundation, has put together science, maths and geography teaching materials based on a project to investigate the approximations that have to be made in state-of-the-art climate models. |
Arkive | Arkive is a digital library of video, photographs and audio recordings of the world’s species. |
Maths websites |
Plus Magazine | Aimed at 16-19 year olds, focuses on understanding and applying maths - uses bioethical issues, see this article on Coincidence for an example. |
RE Websites |
RE Online | A virtual RE resource centre with versions for students and teachers comprising links and information arranged by the different UK syllabuses |
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