BEEP stands for BioEthics Education Project.
It is an interactive website and virtual learning environment for secondary school science teachers and their students. It is a teaching resource developed to highlight the moral, ethical, social, economic, environmental and technological implications and applications of biology.
- Provide up to date and balanced information that students can use to develop their arguments when debating or discussing ethical issues in science.
- Raise science teachers’ confidence in dealing with ‘difficult’ topics, uncertainty and debate.
- Facilitate students’ and teachers‘ discussions of these issues.
- Enhance students’ learning of the science topics involved.
- Help equip students to evaluate many sided arguments and come to their own conclusions.
Teaching science in the 21st century requires that we ensure students consider associated ethical issues in depth. BEEP is here to support students in learning to discuss these issues and teachers in planning lessons on them.
BEEP is also a research project; we aim to investigate whether online discussion can be used successfully to support school science teachers. Thus use of the website will be evaluated by researchers at the University of Bristol. Data on method of use and user opinion will be collected and documents and presentations may be published concerning the project. However, end user contribution will be anonymised so that no individual or school will be identifiable in such publications.
BEEP is funded by the Wellcome Trust and is based at the Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol.
For any technical problems, please email us at info-beep(*at*)aikonmedia.co.uk in the first instance. It is often easier to answer technical questions if they are written down.
The content of the BEEP website is protected by copyright. Material from the website may be used within educational establishments free of charge, but it may not be reproduced for profit by any other organisation.
Many images in BEEP are public domain, but not all. Some are reproduced here with the permission of their owners. If you wish to use an image from BEEP, you will find many of them in the following photo libraries (where you will also find their copyright status): StockXchange, Morguefile, Microsoft Clip Art.
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Links within our website may lead to other sites. We do not sponsor, endorse or otherwise approve of any information or statements appearing in those sites, not in sites referred to in or linked to those sites. We cannot guarantee that these links will work all the time as the web is a constantly changing environment.
All BEEP content is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for either professional legal or professional medical advice.
No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the materials herein.