Key Issues in Bioethics: A guide for Teachers
By Levinson, R. & Reiss M. J. (Eds) and published in 2003 by RoutledgeFalmer, London.
This book is written specifically for non-specialist teachers and lecturers and provides balanced information on a wide range of ethical issues as well as discussion of ways to approach teaching bioethics. Covers cloning, IVF, genetic screening and genetic engineering, farm animal welfare and the use of animals in medical experiments.
Science for Citizenship:
Teaching Socio-Scientific Issues
By Mary Ratcliffe and Marcus Grace and published in 2003 by Open University Press, Maidenhead
This book written for secondary teachers in science and in citizenship does not cover science subject content but provides a wide range of practical teaching and learning examples and includes timely and relevant advice.
Introduction to Bioethics
By John Bryant, Linda Baggott la Velle and John Searle (eds) and published in 2005 by John Wiley, Chichester. 360pp
This book, aimed at students in bioethics, life and environmental sciences, provides comprehensive yet concise coverage of a wide range of environmental, social, scientific and medical issues. Every A level topic is covered in depth as well as provision of case study material and though provoking activities suitable for teaching bioethics.
AS and A level student textbooks are available from Heinemann for AS Science for Public Understanding and for Salters Nuffield Advanced Biology.
Approaches to Ethics in Higher Education: Teaching Ethics across the Curriculum
Prepared for the ETHICS Project by Susan Illingworth. 95pp
The ETHICS project was a partnership amongst Learning and Teaching Support Network (LTSN) subject centres in Higher Education. This review, published in 2004, of different approaches used in teaching ethics courses to university goes further into issues of teaching ethics than the Biology A level teacher needs to but makes good points about different teaching methods and the support students need.
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