If you ask politely and out of genuine interest, many people are very flattered that you want to know their opinion. If you are respectful and show how what you're doing is useful, you'll be surprised how often people say yes.
Who do you already know who may make a good interviewee? Make a list of the network of people you know or can get access to. This might include teachers, college staff, other students, friends, family friends, your doctor.
There will also be loads of other local people who may be willing to help, but who you just haven't met yet. Go back to your video topic and think about which professional people would be involved in this area - as being affected by the issue, or working with people who are affected by it, or who research it, or make decisions about it.
You can use the internet to find people who may have a particular point of view to put across, perhaps at your local hospital or other colleges and universities. Experts love giving opinions. Write an email asking if you can come and interview them.

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