About Bioethics Live!
The BioEthics Live! project is an investigation of new methods of education, using discussion based video
work to increase engagement and participation in learning about ethical issues associated with new developments in biomedical sciences.
It has been made possible thanks to the generocity of the Wellcome Trust and is based at the Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol.
The project is allowing A level students from two media specialist FE colleges to pilot the creation of video clips as a method of teaching and learning. These focus on bioethical issues that concern the students and that are directly relevant to their A level curriculum. The BEEP web team will then edit, host and disseminate the students' work online in order to engage other schools in the video making process in science education.
The students will first learn about debating and skills in discussion and argument. They will then work in small groups with the BEEP web developer and their teachers to create a video clip that portrays a coherent biomedical science based argument. They will produce the short clip (with tuition) to their own design. A scenario based role play, a documentary, vox pops showing a range of views or a 'talking head' discussion or debate are just some of the possible production designs the students could choose from.
Whilst the creation of video for an audience outside school is known to be engaging, hosting the students' videos online is paramount in that it will further engage a wider public with their chosen science topic as they show their work to their friends and family. Other outcomes will include a guide to the process and teaching resources that will be available from the BEEP web site.
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