Vox pops, (from the latin 'vox populi' or 'voice of the people'), show a collection of short clips from many people to demonstrate a snapshot of public opinion, allowing the viewer to reflect on the diversity of views.
- Make sure your subject is something that people will actually have an opinion about.
- Remember people are busy and you're aking up their time. Pick a question that's likely to spark their interest so that they have a clear opinion rather than needing to think about it for ages.
- Ask open ended questions, so that you don't get answers of 'yes' and 'no'. "What do you think of....?" rather than "Should xyz be allowed?"
- Avoid leading questions, like "Any sane person would want this banned. Do you agree"
- Keep your quesions short and easy to understand
- Keep some spare questions to hand in case you get someone who doesn't have an answer, or better still has lots of answers
(Adapted from BBC Vox Pops for radio training module)
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