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Ultra-Violet Radiation

The Science behind UV radiation

Forming only a small part of the Electromagnetic Spectrum  UV radiation, also known as 'black light', is slightly more energetic than visible light. It has, among others uses, applications in security, industry and dentistry.

It causes some chemicals to fluoresce which is why your teeth and white T-shirts appear to glow at a disco with black light. Some washing powder manufacturers put these chemicals into their powders to make clean clothes look brighter.

Ultra violet radiation is produced by the Sun, and strikes the surface of the Earth all the time. The amount that reaches us depends on where we live and the time of year. The effect that it has on us depends on how much we are exposed to it, our skin type and other factors. It is a well accepted fact that we should protect ourselves from the Sun’s UV radiation.

To think about:

What is the difference between the different parts of the EM spectrum? (You should think about energy, frequency and wavelength.)

Next: Cosmic rays


midday sun

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NOT RATED sean 17-01-11 13:07
hi i think its bad