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Non-renewable energy

Fossil Fuels: Coal

Coal and developing countries

Developing countries like China and India are moving very fast from farming economies into industrial giants. As they develop new industries, demand for energy to power these is rising rapidly too. China is building the equivalent of a  new coal fired power station every week! However many developing countries do not yet have the technology to build power stations that don't pollute. China at least is investing in clean coal technology and renewable energy. Other countries lack the money to afford these new technologies.

Should rich countries give away clean technology to poorer countries, to help them be less polluting? Who should pay for it?

Pollution & wealth

All rich countries, including Britain, have been through a phase of producing terrible pollution, as part of growing their economies. In the UK, such pollution eventually ended through the introduction of the Clean Air Act in 1956.

Is it fair for those of us in rich countries to complain about pollution caused by old technology in poor countries, when it was a part of how our own wealth was built?

Next: Competing needs


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