- Moral reasons
What right do we have to exterminate species?
- Aesthetic reasons
Enjoyment of seeing aniamls and plants
- Food and Drink
We use surprisingly few plants for food, there are estimated to be another 75,00 whaich are edible.
- Clothing and fabric
Many of ourt clothes are made from natural materials - an important alternative to those based on fossil fules.
- Fuel and energy
1500 million people use natuural products for fuel and animals for transport
- Human health
Many medicines are derived from plants and animals - many yet to be discovered
- Control pests
There are many species which could be used as natural control agents of pests
- Ornamentation
Dyes, perfumes and jewellery come from a wide range of natural species
- Building and manufacture
Timber for furniture, hosue construction, paper. Rubber and plant oils for industry and cosmetics
- Knowledge and research
research to find out how other species could be used to help man - also for academic interest. What did the bombadier beetle do for rocket science? http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/bombardier.html
