Rising sea levels
The 2007 February meeting of the IPCC accepted the prediction that global sea levels are likely to rise by the end of the 21st century. 6 different models all gave slightly different predictions, predicting possible sea level rises of between 28-43cm. However, these models do not include the effects of climate feedback systems or the melting of ice sheets. If, for example, the Greenland ice sheet melts completely, sea levels could rise by as much as 7m.
The 2009 Copenhagen summit scientific update revealed satellites data showing a global average sea-level rise 80% above the IPCC predictions (3.4mm per year), consistent with a doubling in the volume of ice melt water.
Even a slight rise in sea levels could mean the virtual disappearance of the Maldives and parts of Bangladesh.
Try out this height map. Notice how many places in the UK are also vulnerable to sea level rises.
Atlantic Currents
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