Climate scientists predict the world may warm up by a few degrees centigrade. It doesn't sound like much, so why is this so important?
Global temperatures affect weather patterns, which affects food, animals, plants and where we can all live.
Where people live in the world has largely been determined by the weather. Human societies have grown up where there is enough water for farming to reliably grow food and fewer destructive weather events, such as flash floods, or droughts.
If changes in global temperatures make weather patterns overhead change even a little, the rain can simply move elsewhere, or stop falling altogether. The water supply for your farm literally dries up and you can no longer live there.
What do you think might happen if there are more places in the world without enough water?
Use the issues on these pages from the Ethical Toolkit to support your answer.
The same applies to plants and animals. Everywhere in the world, local wildlife is very closely adapted to suit the conditions where they live. If the weather changes too much too quickly, plants and animals can't suddenly move to somewhere more suitable and so whole ecosystems can die out.
Why the controversy