Most ideas for preventing further climate fall into two strateges, Mitigation (finding ways to reduce CO2 emissions or to remove it from the atmosphere) or Adaptation (changing human and/or natural systems to reduce their vulnerability to climate change).

Mitigation tries to tackle the causes of climate change where adaptation is to try to manage its effects.
Do you think we should stop carbon emissions or try to adapt to a changed climate? Use the different ethical principles in the Ethical Toolkit to justify your answer.
Proposed ways of tackling climate change include:
Carbon footprints
Calculating our carbon footprints allow individuals, businesses, even governments to work out which of our activities result in most CO2 release.
International agreements
between different countries, both industrialized and developing nations across the globe concerning reduction in greenhouse gases such as CFCs and CO2
- Big projects - Geoengineering
other means include worldwide installations, or even in space, designed to blanket the Earth or reflect back the sun's rays.
- Carbon offsetting
attempting to make good the damage that will be caused by people's and companies' use of fossil fuels by setting about activities that can remove CO2 from the air or trading CO2 emissions.
Carbon Footprint
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