Percentage to decimal |
Decimal to percentage |
5% to 0.05
- Simple swaps here.
- Remove the % at the end
- If <10 swap it for '0.0' at the start else swap it for '0.'
2.5% to 0.025
- Remove the % at the end
- If <10 swap it for '0.0' at the start else swap it for '0.'
- Drop the second decimal point
1/10 to 10%
- This is simpler.
- Multiply by 100 and add the % sign
1/25 to 4%
- Multiply by 100 (100 x 1/25 = 100/25)
- Add the % sign
Decimal to fraction |
Fraction to decimal |
0.025 to 25/1000
- Look for the right-most figure to find whether it’s tenths, hundredths or thousandths.
- Here 5 is in the 3rd column after the decimal point so we’ve got thousandths.
- 25 of them in fact.
0.1 to 1/10
- Here 1 is in the 1st column after the decimal point so we have tenths.
- Just one of them (1/10).
25/1000 to 0.025
- Divide the top (25) by the bottom (1000)
- Here dividing by 1000 is equivalent to moving the decimal point 3 places to the left.
1/10 to 0.1
- Divide the top (1) by the bottom (10)
- Here dividing by 10 is equivalent to moving the decimal point 1 place to the left.
Fraction to percentage |
Percentage to fraction |
1/10 to 10%
- This is simpler.
- Multiply by 100 and add the % sign
1/25 to 4%
- Multiply by 100 (100 x 1/25 = 100/25)
- Add the % sign
10% to 1/10
- Drop the % sign (10)
- Divide by 100. (10/100)
- Rationalise (1/10)
4% to 1/25
- Drop the % sign (4)
- Divide by 100. (4/100)
- Rationalise (1/25)
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