The average diameter of a red blood cell is 7 x 10-6 m. (0.000007m)
The distance from the Earth to the Sun is 1.496 x 1011m (149,600,000,000m)

To use scientific notation successfully you need to remember that:
- 102 = 100, 103 = 1000, 104 = 10,000 and so on - and also that:
- 10-1 =1/10 = 0.1, 10-2 = 1/100= 0.01, 10-3 = 1/1000= 0.001 and so on.
A tip to remember is to count the places for zeroes.
- In the speed of light example 3,00,000,000 there are eight between the leftmost number and the decimal point - 3 x 108m/s.
When counting places for zeroes with very small numbers you need to include the zero to the left of the decimal point too.
- In the red blood cell example, diameter is 0.000007m - 7 x 10-6 m.
Significant Figures

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