Do your ‘bit’ for biodiversity and conservation by telling others about the importance of rainforests.
- Run a ‘Rainforest’ workshop in your local Primary School (Key Stage 2).
- Use our ready made PowerPoint presentation (see below)
- Use this to raise money and awareness about Rainforest Conservation.
- Improve your own ‘communication’ skills
The BEEP Team would like to thank Dr. Roger Poland of Kings College, Taunton for writing this section.

The Rainforest is one of the most important ecosystems on our planet and it is also probably one of the most under threat from the activities of man. It is vital that others know what a rainforest is like and how important it is and how we might conserve it.
In 2005, a group of sixth formers went on a conservation expedition to Central American rainforest. To raise money and awareness, they got together a group of sixth formers and a teacher and set up a series of ‘Rainforest Workshops’ for primary schools in their area. They visited six schools and gave a 2 hour workshop on the rainforest, and donations from each school helped them to raise money towards their expedition.
You might like to do the same even if you are not going to a Rainforest and not concerned with raising money – do it for free!
How do I set up a workshop?
The following ‘Rainforest Workshop Kit’ will tell you how you might set it up, although you may want to alter it to suit your own situation.
The Rainforest Workshop ‘kit’
Download the presentation files
N.B. Some of these are quite large, so you may need to wait a while.

Things to think about: Think of others to add
- Are rainforests really that important? Should I care?
- Have I in anyway contributed towards the loss of rainforests?
- Should everyone know about rainforests? Does it matter if they do not.
- What is the biggest threat to rainforest survival?
- Can I do anything about reducing rainforest destruction?
Useful related links to the Beep website:

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