Video Interview:
Ethical decisions in stem cell research
Dr. Stephen Minger from the
The Wolfson Centre for Age-Related Diseases at King's College, University of London,
investigates the potential of stem cells for therapeutic uses. The work carried out by Dr. Minger and
his colleagues requires careful ethical decisions every day.
11th April 2006 Clip length: 10 mins
Requires Flash

Human Animal hybrid embryos for stem cell research
Do you think that the use of language can influence a debate? The discussion around the Human Embryology Bill of 2008 looks at whether UK finds the creation of human/animal hybrid embryos for research is acceptable.
Read the two newspaper articles below that examine the issues. How have the journalists used science and evidence in their writing? Have the journalists properly understood what exactly is created? Do they both give the technology a fair hearing?

GM crops
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