Today video footage taken by people involved in momentous events such as the July 7th bombings in London 2005. or the Boxing Day Tsunami 2004, using their mobile phone cameras can often be viewed on televison within hours of the event.
With the advent of the Internet censorship of major news events has become all but impossible. Media corporations such as the BBC are regulated and, whilst they solicit people's videos, act responsibly in the choice of those they show. However, social networking websites such as individuals' blogs and YouTube are less fussy and many people were upset in January 2007 when footage of the execution of Saddam Hussein was displayed on YouTube. See the Guardian article.
Information Health Warnings?
Web 2.0 pioneer Tim O'Reilly and Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales have called for a code of conduct for bloggers and warnings on blogs that may contain unsuitable or offensive material. See this BBC news item for details. Make a list of items you would not want say, your parents, or your younger sister or cousin, to see on a mobile phone video or blog and compare it with a classmate's. Now design a code of conduct for use of mobile phones by teenagers.
Mobile phones
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