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Search Tips

Using the Advanced Search tool

'Search for' box

  • Only words with 2 or more letters/characters will be accepted.
  • Maximum of 200 letters/characters in total.
  • To search using several keywords, separate each with a space.
  • To search for a whole phrase, surround "the phrase" with quotation marks.
  • Searching for - Laurel AND Hardy - will find only those pages that contain both words.
  • Searching for - Laurel OR Hardy - will find those pages that contain either word.
  • Searching for - Laurel NOT Hardy - will find those pages that contain the word Laurel but do not contain the word Hardy.
  • Don't worry about capital letters, all search words are converted to lowercase when searching.

'Match' box - searching for the word "gene" with the following settings

  • Distinct Word - will only find pages that contain the word "gene"
  • Part of word - will find pages that contain "gene", "genetics" and "transgene"
  • First part of word - will find "gene", "genetics" but not "transgene"
  • Last part of word - will find "gene", "transgene" but not "genetics"

Search in: Some sections of the website may contain Word or PDF documents. These may also be searched using this facility. The Search In box allows you to include or exclude searches from such documents.

From section: Allows you to limit where you search to a particular section of the website.

Style: Allows you to either group search results according to the section of the website they come from, or just as a single list.